Health Coaching and BodyTalk Combo

Health Coaching and BodyTalk Combo   Health Services 4U2B Well is having a Free Presentation to explain how having a Health Coach to support the changes you consciously know would make an improvement in your health.  This is to be partnered with BodyTalk that address the sub-consciousness patterns interfering with your desired state of wellness. […]

Rehabilitation for Injury – Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spirit Level

Rehabilitation is to restore to a condition of good health, back to its original state so it has the ability to work.         BODYTALK ASSISTS WITH BODY REHABILITATION BodyTalk cutting edge healthcare system asks the body what is it’s priority and sequencing for rehabilitation to take place.  By using this intention, BodyTalk […]

Childhood Wounds Can Be Healed

As an adult we often carry with us childhood wounds.  Some of them are our interpretations of the situations we have been in or observed. Often these hurt feelings have been stored somewhere in our bodies. We are not even aware they are there until a similar feeling occurs in a present situation. The brain […]

Health Service 4U2B Well is thrilled to be part of Wellness Expo and New Earth Expo

What a great opportunity to have exposure to large crowds interested in being well!  Susan Lee is thrilled that 5 IBA Certified BodyTalk Practitioners will be at Saskatoon’s Wellness Expo joined with New Earth Expo this weekend Feb. 5 – 7th.  There are 69 Exhibitors at the show ranging from Popeye’s Supplements Saskatoon,TOPS,Choice Nutrition, all the […]

New Business Name – Same great service for all ages

BodyTalk with Susan Lee changed the business name to Health Service 4U2B Well, July 23rd 2015.  Service for all ages remains the same. Susan Lee, Saskatoon’s local family BodyTalk practitioner looks forward to serving those seeking a change in current health. Treatments are  great to relieve pain, to help improve and heal many health challenges, […]

How BodyTalk can Help Overcome What is Limiting Us

Have you wished you could be more like someone you admire because of a quality they possess that you have not developed yet?  I often struggled to speak up for myself and admired those who communicated well. One of my sessions  evolved around the throat chakra –  the ability to speak up.  Part of the […]

10 Reasons Parents Bring their Children to BodyTalk with SL

Fast – BodyTalk gets to the contributing factors of why the illness / behavior is present.  Information given within the body speeds up the healing process. Effective – Awareness is brought forward this often changes a  perspective bringing  the person more balance and in alignment within themselves. Even if the child doesn’t understand what is highlighted to […]

BodyTalk working at the Connective Tissue Level – Balancing / Reshaping your fascia

Fascia is everywhere, it surrounds all tissues and ties together everything – organs, muscles, bones, nerves & blood vessels (fascia creates the space through which the nerves, blood vessels and lymph fluids pass between the tissues).  Since the whole body is interconnected with this tough connective tissue, it makes sense that if there is an […]

Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage helps the Body Detox and much more

  Having your lymphatic system stimulated to move is beneficial for everyone but therapeutic if you experience edema or swelling due to an injury. It is especially good as a Detox Method in the springtime to help the body get rid of accumulated stored by products. Whenever you have stagnation of fluids there lies a […]

Got a Pain? Injury? BodyTalk Fast-Aid to the Rescue!!!!!

Susan Lee certified International BodyTalk Association (IBA) BodyTalk practitioner since 2007 will be doing demo’s and talking about the effectiveness of the BodyTalk fast-aid technique Tuesday Sept. 18th, 2013 5:15- 6:00 p.m. at Divine Goddess Store (12th street and Broadway Ave. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) BodyTalk Fast-Aid treatment utilizes the BodyTalk Cortices technique to enhance communication within […]